Georghiou SB, Magana M, Garfein RS, Catanzaro DG, Catanzaro A, Rodwell TC. Evaluation of Genetic Mutations Associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Resistance to Amikacin, Kanamycin and Capreomycin: A Systematic Review. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(3):e33275. PMCID: PMCID: PMC3315572

2.           Hillery N, Groessl EJ, Trollip A, Catanzaro D, Jackson L, Rodwell TC, Garfein RS, Lin S, Eisenach K, Ganiats TG, Park D, Valafar F, Rodrigues C, Crudu V, Victor TC, Catanzaro A. The Global Consortium for Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Diagnostics (GCDD): Design of a multi-site, head-to-head study of three rapid tests to detect extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Trials. 2014;15(434). PMCID: PMCID: PMC4232628

3.           Lin SY, Rodwell TC, Victor TC, Rider EC, Pham L, Catanzaro A, Desmond EP. Pyrosequencing for rapid detection of extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical isolates and clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol. 2014;52(2):475-82. PMCID: PMCID: PMC3911348

4.           Rodwell TC, Valafar F, Douglas J, Qian L, Garfein RS, Chawla A, Torres J, Zadorozhny V, Soo Kim M, Hoshide M, Catanzaro D, Jackson L, Lin G, Desmond E, Rodrigues C, Eisenach K, Victor TC, Ismail N, Crudu V, Gle MT, Catanzaro A. Predicting Extensively Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (XDR-TB) Phenotypes with Genetic Mutations. J Clin Microbiol. 2014;52(3):781-9. PMCID: PMCID: PMC3957771

5.           Trollip A, Moore D, Coronel J, Caviedes L, Victor T, Klages S, Romancenco E, Crudu V, Rodrigues C, Ajbani K, Jackson L, Eisenach K, Garfein R, Rodwell TC, Desmond E, Groessl E, Ganiats T, Catanzaro A. Second-line drug susceptibility breakpoints for Mycobacterium tuberculosis using MODS assay. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2014;18(2):227–32. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4250530

6.           Ajbani K, Lin SY, Rodrigues C, Nguyen D, Arroyo F, Kaping J, Jackson L, Garfein RS, Catanzaro D, Eisenach K, Victor TC, Crudu V, Gler MT, Ismail N, Desmond E, Catanzaro A, Rodwell TC. Evaluation of pyrosequencing for detecting extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis among clinical isolates from four high-burden countries. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015;59(1):414-20. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4291380

7.           Avalos E, Catanzaro D, Catanzaro A, Ganiats T, Brodine S, Alcaraz J, Rodwell T. Frequency and Geographic Distribution of gyrA and gyrB Mutations Associated with Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Clinical Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Isolates: A Systematic Review. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0120470. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4376704

8.           Catanzaro A, Rodwell TC, Catanzaro DG, Garfein RS, Jackson RL, Seifert M, Georghiou SB, Trollip A, Groessl E, Hillery N, Crudu V, Victor TC, Rodrigues C, Lin GS, Valafar F, Desmond E, Eisenach K. Performance Comparison of Three Rapid Tests for the Diagnosis of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis. PLoS One. 2015;10(8):e0136861. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4556461

9.           Colman RE, Schupp JM, Hicks ND, Smith DE, Buchhagen JL, Valafar F, Crudu V, Romancenco E, Noroc E, Jackson L, Catanzaro DG, Rodwell TC, Catanzaro A, Keim P, Engelthaler DM. Detection of Low-Level Mixed-Population Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using High Fidelity Amplicon Sequencing. PLoS One. 2015;10(5):e0126626. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4430321

10.        El Maraachli W, Slater M, Berrada ZL, Lin GS-Y, Catanzaro A, Desmond E, Rodrigues C, Victor TC, Crudu V, Gler M, Rodwell TC. Predicting differential rifamycin resistance in clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates by specific rpoB mutations. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015;19(10):1222–6. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4608372

11.        Garfein RS, Catanzaro D, Rodwell TC, Avelos E, Jackson L, Kaping J, Evasco H, Rodriques C, Crudu V, Lin G, Grossel E, Hillery N, Trollip A, Ganiats T, Eisenach KV, F., Channick J, Qian L, Catanzaro A. Phenotypic and genotypic diversity in a multinational sample of drug-resistant Mycobacerium tuberculosis isolates. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015;19(4):420-7. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4494864

12.        Kambli P, Ajbani K, Nikam C, Khillari A, Shetty A, Udwadia Z, Georghiou S, Rodwell TC, Catanzaro A, Rodrigues C. Determination of MICs of levofloxacin for Mycobacterium tuberculosis with gyrA mutations. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015;19(10):1227–9. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4607084

13.        Kambli P, Ajbani K, Sadani M, Nikam C, Shetty A, Udwadia Z, Georghiou SB, Rodwell TC, Catanzaro A, Rodrigues C. Defining multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: correlating GenoType MTBDRplus assay results with minimum inhibitory concentrations. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2015. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4414878

14.        Kambli P, Ajbani K, Sadani M, Nikam C, Shetty A, Udwadia Z, Rodwell TC, Catanzaro A, Rodrigues C. Correlating Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations of ofloxacin and moxifloxacin with gyrA mutations using the genotype MTBDRsl assay. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2015;95(2):137-41. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4361297

15.        Seifert M, Catanzaro D, Catanzaro A, Rodwell TC. Genetic Mutations Associated with Isoniazid Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A Systematic Review. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0119628. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4370653

16.        Torres JN, Paul LV, Rodwell TC, Victor TC, Amallraja AM, Elghraoui A, Goodmanson AP, Ramirez-Busby SM, Chawla A, Zadorozhny V, Streicher EM, Sirgel FA, Catanzaro D, Rodrigues C, Gler MT, Crudu V, Catanzaro A, Valafar F. Novel katG mutations causing isoniazid resistance in clinical M. tuberculosis isolates. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2015;4(7):e42. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4522615

17.        Berrada ZL, Lin SY, Rodwell TC, Nguyen D, Schecter GF, Pham L, Janda JM, Elmaraachli W, Catanzaro A, Desmond E. Rifabutin and rifampin resistance levels and associated rpoB mutations in clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2016;85(2):177-81. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4873381

18.        Bojorquez I, Salazar I, Garfein RS, Cerecer P, Rodwell TC. Surveillance or support: The experience of direct observation during tuberculosis treatment. Glob Public Health. 2016:1-15. PMCID: PMCID: NIHMSID829994

19.        Colman RE, Anderson J, Lemmer D, Lehmkuhl E, Georghiou SB, Heaton H, Wiggins K, Gillece JD, Schupp JM, Catanzaro DG, Crudu V, Cohen T, Rodwell TC, Engelthaler DM. Rapid Drug Susceptibility Testing of Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates Directly from Clinical Samples by Use of Amplicon Sequencing: a Proof-of-Concept Study. J Clin Microbiol. 2016;54(8):2058-67. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4963505

20.        Conners E, Garfein RS, Rodwell TC, Udwadia ZF, Catanzaro DG. Mobility patterns of persons at risk for drug-resistant tuberculosis in Mumbai, India. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2016;20(12):1633-8. PMCID: PMCID: pending

21.        Georghiou SB, Ajbani K, Rodrigues C, Rodwell TC. Performance of a pyrosequencing platform in diagnosing drug-resistant extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in India. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2016;20(2):160-5. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4724640

22.        Georghiou SB, Seifert M, Catanzaro D, Garfein RS, Valafar F, Crudu V, Rodrigues C, Victor TC, Catanzaro A, Rodwell TC. Frequency and Distribution of Tuberculosis Resistance-Associated Mutations between Mumbai, Moldova, and Eastern Cape. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016;60(7):3994-4004. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4914621

23.        Georghiou SB, Seifert M, Lin SY, Catanzaro D, Garfein RS, Jackson RL, Crudu V, Rodrigues C, Victor TC, Catanzaro A, Rodwell TC. Shedding light on the performance of a pyrosequencing assay for drug-resistant tuberculosis diagnosis. BMC Infect Dis. 2016;16:458. PMCID: PMCID: PMC5006534

24.        Kambli P, Ajbani K, Nikam C, Sadani M, Shetty A, Udwadia Z, Georghiou SB, Rodwell TC, Catanzaro A, Rodrigues C. Correlating rrs and eis promoter mutations in clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with phenotypic susceptibility levels to the second-line injectables. Int J Mycobacteriol. 2016;5(1):1-6. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4863938

25.        Nikam C, Patel R, Sadani M, Ajbani K, Kazi M, Soman R, Shetty A, Georghiou S, Rodwell TC, Catanazaro A, rodrigues C. Redefining MTBDRplus test results: what do indeterminate results actually mean? Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2016;20(2):154-9(6). PMCID: PMCID: PMC4874811

26.        Seifert M, Ajbani K, Georghiou SB, Catanzaro D, Rodrigues C, Crudu V, Victor TC, Garfein RS, Catanzaro A, Rodwell TC. A performance evaluation of MTBDRplus version 2 for the diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2016;20(5):631-7. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4852300

27.        Seifert M, Georghiou SB, Catanzaro D, Rodrigues C, Crudu V, Victor TC, Garfein RS, Catanzaro A, Rodwell TC. MTBDRplus and MTBDRsl Assays: Absence of Wild-Type Probe Hybridization and Implications for Detection of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis. J Clin Microbiol. 2016;54(4):912-8. PMCID: PMCID: PMC4809938

28.        Catanzaro DG, Trollip AP, Seifert M, Georghiou SB, Garfein RS, Rodwell TC, Catanzaro A, Eisenach KD. Evaluation of the microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay for the detection of first- and second-line drug susceptibility for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Eur Respir J. 2017;49(4). PMCID: PMCID: PMC6141189

29.        Georghiou SB, Seifert M, Catanzaro DG, Garfein RS, Rodwell TC. Increased Tuberculosis Patient Mortality Associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mutations Conferring Resistance to Second-Line Antituberculous Drugs. J Clin Microbiol. 2017;55(6):1928-37. PMCID: PMCID: PMC5442550

30.        Seifert M, Georghiou SB, Garfein RS, Catanzaro D, Rodwell TC. Impact of Fluoroquinolone Use on Mortality Among a Cohort of Patients With Suspected Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2017;65(5):772-8. PMCID: PMCID: PMC5848235

31.        Groessl EJ, Ganiats TG, Hillery N, Trollip A, Jackson RL, Catanzaro DG, Rodwell TC, Garfein RS, Rodrigues C, Crudu V, Victor TC, Catanzaro A. Cost analysis of rapid diagnostics for drug-resistant tuberculosis. BMC Infect Dis. 2018;18(1):102. PMCID: